The COVID Global Accountability Platform (COVID GAP) serves as an external, independent hub for tracking and catalyzing effective actions to meet and increase commitments and hold the world accountable for achieving the critical global COVID-19 response goals. COVID GAP will curate multiple sources of data to analyze progress over time, including successes and opportunities for improvement; provide evidence-driven insights and actionable recommendations to accelerate progress globally; and drive collaborations among diverse public and private sector organizations and leaders, including national and regional leaders in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). COVID GAP is a joint initiative of Duke University and COVID Collaborative.

COVID GAP Advisory Board
Americo Beviglia Zampetti
Head of the Economic Section, European Union Delegation to the United Nations
Alejandro Cravioto
Chair, Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE); Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Kate Fall
Senior Advisor and Executive Director at Brunswick Group; Member, House of Lords, U.K.
Helene Gayle
President, Spelman College; Former President and Chief Executive Officer at The Chicago Trust Foundation; Former CEO of CARE
Bruce Gellin
Chief of Global Public Health Strategy, Health Initiative at The Rockefeller Foundation
Amanda Glassman
Executive Vice President & Senior Fellow at Center for Global Development (CGD); CEO of CGD Europe
Scott Gottlieb
Senior Fellow at American Enterprise Institute; Former Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Catherine Kyobutungi
Executive Director at African Population and Health Research Center
Pascal Lamy
President, Executive Committee of the Paris Peace Forum; Former Director-General of the World Trade Organization
Jack Leslie
Former Chairman at Weber Shandwick
Orin Levine
Director, Global Delivery Programs at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
J. Stephen Morrison
Senior Vice President and Director, Global Health Policy Center at Center for Strategic and International Studies
K. Srinath Reddy
President at Public Health Foundation of India
Carolyn Reynolds
Co-Founder at Pandemic Action Network
Amit Thakker
Executive Chairman at Africa Health Business
President of COVID Collaborative
*Leadership -
Director of the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
*Leadership -
Professor of Global Health and Founding Director of the Duke Global Health Institute
*Leadership -
Director of the Duke Global Health Innovation Center
*Leadership -
Lisa Bourget*
Senior Director, Strategy, Management, and Partnerships, Duke Global Health Innovation Center
*Engagement Lead -
Rianna Cooke
Data and Visualization Specialist, Duke Global Health Innovation Center
Luke Durocher
Events and Marketing Manager, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
Melissa Estrada
Manager, Communications and Engagement, Duke Global Health Innovation Center
Patricia Green*
Director of Communications, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
*Communications Lead -
Osondu Ogbuoji
Deputy Director and Research Lead, Duke Global Health Institute
Katharine Olson
Research Analyst, Duke Global Health Innovation Center
Ernesto Ortiz
Senior Manager, Programs, Duke Global Health Innovation Center
Valerie J. Parker
Policy Analyst, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
Morgan Romine*
Chief of Staff, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
*Project Management Lead -
Elina Urli Hodges*
Assistant Director, Programs, Duke Global Health Innovation Center
*Project Management Lead
*Engagement Lead
*Communications Lead
*Project Management Lead
*Project Management Lead