Progress Toward 40% Coverage Target Reveals Gross Inequities
Progress towards the vaccination targets is inequitable across regions and income categories. In our analysis based on current vaccination rate data, nearly all low-income countries and most African countries are not on track to make the 40 percent vaccination target by the target by the end of 2021. By hovering over the bars in Tab 1.1, you can see how many countries are not on track in each income category. The accompanying map also reveals which regions have met the targets and which regions are falling short.
The visual in Tab 1.2 reveals the progress towards the 40 percent target in the 92 countries covered by the COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC92 countries), including the median vaccination coverage which remains well below the target. Some outliers have already exceeded the 40 percent target, but most AMC92 countries are falling drastically short. As the end of 2021 rapidly approaches, the outlook for these countries is grim.
In order to address these gaps in vaccination coverage and reach the targets, we need to understand where the bottlenecks exist by examining the full pathway from factories to arms.
Source: COVID GAP analysis using vaccination rate data from Multilateral Leaders Task Force on COVID-19 (December 14, 2021)